Saturday, February 28, 2009

Looking forward to today

Barry called from Miami...they did, indeed, come home from Costa Rica! It's nice to know that this was the kind of vacation they did not want to end - always a good sign.

Up early this morning to go back to WW. I know the cast weighs about 3½ pounds...and realize I've probably gained a pound or two (no exercise...lots of sitting...watching my muscles turn to mush...sigh)...but I do want to be back there and continue to my goal. Good friends are there to help in case I have any trouble getting in, manuevering around, etc. It will be good to be back.

Then this afternoon it's another mah jong day! Some of the group decided to have a game afternoon, so I'm in! I was a bit rusty playing on today should be better. Maybe I'll even "mah jong" today!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Early to rise...

I kept waking up in the night thinking about things. First, how scary it is, knowing how quickly life can change. A friend's daughter and son-in-law were involved in a serious accident last Saturday...I learned of it last nite and they've been on my mind ever since. The "kids" are both in the hospital, with family nearby. My thoughts are with them....

This situation has reminded me to be grateful for the health and well being of those I love...and to put aside the minor inconveniences of life that occur along the way. While I've been caught up in the details of how things have changed for me, albeit temporarily, with my broken foot, it really is just an inconvenience along the way....

Take care, all.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Getting around

After my outing yesterday I'm ready to roll! I made arrangements to play MahJong with friends tomorrow - can even drive from my garage right into the host's garage without having to manuever through any ice/snow/rain/slush! I can hardly wait - I haven't played in over a month.

My mom came out and helped me get the recycling together to take to drop-off tomorrow. It's been nearly 2 months since I last took the recycling in, and our garage can't take much more! Now the Rendezvous is I'll drop it off before heading to MahJong. Life is good - LOL = recycling AND MahJong all in one day! That's busier than I've been in 4 weeks!

Speaking of foot is much improved and I'm able to walk on the heel of my left foot with the assistance of one crutch (sometimes two...). It feels good to be getting around a little better and I'm really thankful for everyone's help.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's a great day

Thanks to my favorite big brother, Terry! He arrived this morning to help me see what I could do for myself in getting out of the house and graciously packed my necessary stuff in the car...rode to town with me...and helped me get groceries. How wonderful to be outside again! Thank you, Terry!!!

All of this getting out made me think that I need to find out about handicapped parking access at the MDE. Since I have a handicapped permit...and assuming there must be parking access near/under the building...I could actually go to the office! Keep your fingers crossed everyone!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


It's snowing out all right, and I'm here on the couch with a nice, fat cat purring away without a care in the world. Well, ok, his only care is that I continue to fill up the food and water dishes, and provide him with a clean box. He's just so sweet...his head is on my arm and he'll soon be asleep.

I continue to make progress with the crutch-walking. Last nite I slept without my air cast, and the rest was so much better than I've had in ages. Unfortunately, the velcro on the cast is very loud, and I have to put the boot on (and off..) if/when I get up in the nite. Hopefully the ripping sound of the velcro won't awaken Kevin in the nite.

Also hoping the snow quits soon - I'd like for Kevin to be able to get home tonite - and for Erin to be able to get to GR for the Griffins' game.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weekend's Here!

The weekend's here...but it sounds like the snow will be, too. Guess I'm glad that I don't have to get out into it, but I sure wish I could...

I've discovered that walking with crutches is much slower than getting around on my scooter. However I'm determined to use the scooter only when I need to carry something, or trying to do something in the kitchen. Somehow I bent my toes a bit too much today and have a small amount of pain...sure hope I didn't do anything to affect the hardware in there.

All in all it's been a good week. The kids are off to Costa Rica on vacation...Erin "aced" her exam (good job!!)...Kevin and Erin have a concert tonite in GR and then they'll finish the weekend with some Venture training. Whew! Income taxes are done...and I'm on the task of cleaning out some of the office drawers (why or why do I keep so much paper?). So glad I have a shredder that's ready for a work-out!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I walked (well, almost)!

It's been 2 weeks since surgery....and Dr. Buchanan originally said no weight bearing for 2-4 weeks.....then when I saw him last week, he said "2 weeks after surgery"...and that's today!!

So...I gave it a little try in the kitchen. Two crutches - 1 air cast - minimal weight on my left heel - and I took a few tentative "steps" around the kitchen - with no pain!!

That's all the exercise for now - don't want to overdo - but it was a very encouraging session. Yea!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Thank goodness it's sunny today (before the storm) if only the temp were about 40 degrees higher than the current 25, I'd open up all the windows and drink in the fresh air. As it is, I think Tumble has the right idea - he's sleeping in front of the slider....drenched in sunshine.
(Darn...I tried to send a pic of Tumble from my phone to my laptop, but no luck yet)

I was able to work a few hours this morning via email - proofing a training manual - and it felt great doing some work again. My good friend Gisela offered to pick me up for an afternoon of Mahjong, but I just couldn't turn down the work after cancelling so much this month. I am, however, looking forward to whenever the next game is - because by then I should be able to get out more easily (weather permitting) - and even drive!

The most exciting part of the week, though, is Beth and Barry's vacation to Costa Rica! What an adventure for them - they deserve to have a fantastically relaxing - and exhilerating - time, and come back refreshed and ready for spring. Happy traveling!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Had a great day today! Dr. Buchanan is very pleased with my foot progress - even said this 50+ old foot "looks good" (who'd have thought I'd be so happy about a foot that looks good??). He also said my bone is very strong and so surgery went very another week I can begin to bear 10-15% weight on my left foot (wearing the air cast and using crutches), and that by my next appointment on March 17 I should be walking with the air cast alone! At that time, depending on the degree of swelling, I may be able to get rid of the air cast. What a thrill!!

The rest of the day was like a present - to be outside (even though it was windy) - had a hair trim, went grocery shopping (using my knee scooter with Kevin following behind me with the cart), and out to lunch. After lunch we decided to stop at Penney's - I couldn't see the sense in having Kevin load up my scooter just to take it out again on the other side of the parking I said "meet you there!" And off I went - on my scooter - across the parking lot (watching VERY carefully for cars...and pot holes - and none of either appeared, by the way), and made it to the Penney's door before he did!

Now I'm happily here at home after a day out and looking forward to the process of beginning to be more mobile. Life is good!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gettin' ready!

Tomorrow is Dr. appointment day...I'm really looking forward to hearing what the plan will be...well, ok, more accurately what the timeline will be. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I am really anxious to be able to drive and get around a bit more.

But the great news...I have everything ready for our tax information to go to the accountant tomorrow! And I even caught up on updating my business financial files feels so good to have it done.

Gisela has offered to pick me up for coffee on Friday...if the weather is decent and the news tomorrow is good, I'll be ready to go....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to work...and takin' it easy.

Yup, back to work today, via conference call. Feels good to be busy, but then afterwards it feels good to sit with my leg up.

For right now I have a big cat on my lap (Chauncy....keeps me warm, too!), with the laptop balanced near my left foot on top of a couple of pillows. No pain pills since Saturday night, so that's a plus, too!

Tomorrow it's more work early in the morning, with work being delivered to the house by a local agency representative. Then it's fun time, with a visit from a friend...I'll provide the coffee, and she's loaning me a book. Now I just have to get to work on getting paperwork around for our taxes.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunny days

What a fun weekend. Beth and Barry came to visit...brought dinner AND breakfast, and took good care of me. What a joy to have them here, especially knowing they have many things to do before a well deserved vacation.

The family came out for dinner last nite - good to have everyone together. My foot was much improved yesterday, and the swelling seems to have gone down a bit. Another plus - it's been 14 hours since the last pain pill!

Add that to the sunshine today, and it's been a good one!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Keeping myself in check

I feel SO much better today - I slept through the nite, and even stayed in bed a little later this morning. There is still some pain in my foot (and head..?), but I am so much more relaxed now.

Still making sure I rest and keep my foot elevated, though, because it could become easy to overdo...and I do NOT want to go there!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

So much better!

Wow...even though I'm still extremely tired (still haven't slept, but I bet I do tonite!), I feel SO much better this afternoon...I'm actually feeling more human now that the pain is under control (I'm even looking forward to getting cleaned up and vertical again!).

Whew, it feels good to feel good!!

Not quite what I expected

Oh, I am not feeling very good. The pain in my foot is much more intense than I had anticipated, and the pain pills tend to make me nauseus...all contributing to many tears (very unexpected!!). I cat-napped a bit during the nite, so I assume the lack of rest is contributing to the way I feel. Mom will be out herein a little bit and will help me off-and-on while also going to Barrie's House for a little while.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back home!

We left this morning about 9:30 for the 10:45 check-in. Apparently right after we left, the Surgical Center called asking that we come early - Dr. Buchanan was running ahead of schedule - of course we didn't get the call, but as soon as we arrived they got things going quickly.

I was taken to surgery about 25 minutes early....and was finished in 30 minutes. Dr. Buchanan told me to take the pain pills every 4 hours (for the first couple of days) regardless of how I feel, just to stay on top of the pain before it can set it. I had a pill before we left GR, and Kevin is in town picking up the heavy-duty stuff (as well as getting Tumblebump's valium refill!).

Tiredness has set in, so it's time for a nap....glad to have the surgery finished and able to look forward to continued recovery.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Almost there

Received a call from the surgical center this afternoon - surgery time has been changed from 3:10 pm to 11:45 am. I must admit I'm relieved that we leave earlier...less time to stew about it.

My good friend Gisela is planning to provide dinner tomorrow night (what a sweetie)...she had planned to come by in the morning after exercise (ooh, I miss that! - WAIT!!! Did I say I MISSED EXERCISE????? Never thought I'd hear those words from this mouth!! LOL), but now we'll be out of the house by 9:30. So perhaps I'll see her tonite....or later tomorrow afternoon.

My Mom came out today to get a key for the house - she'll be stopping in on Thursday to help me (what a Mom!). And with my favorite son and daughter-in-law coming on Saturday I'll surely be taken care of well!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Movin' on, this time with trepidation

After my phone call with the nurse at the surgical center, I'm feeling more apprehensive than before. I realize now that I'll be coming home not with my air cast, but with a dressing, bandages, etc. - which means I won't have the protection of the cast in case of bumps, etc. I hadn't given much thought to post-surgical pain control (since I've been pretty much pain free since my fall), but now realize I might actually use the pain killers that were prescribed last week. Aargh....

Such is life, I new mantra = this really isn't such a big deal; it could be worse...

Movin' on...

Had a pre-op physical today with Dr. Page...everyone says I'm in good hands with Dr. Buchanan as a surgeon. Jo picked me up after appointment to go out to breakfast, then brought me home. I'm just really thankful that my foot is relatively pain free - now if the swelling could be better controlled, that would be great.

Kevin and Erin have Grand River Winds tonight, so the day will be pretty quiet here. I plan to watch some movies, work on the baby afghan (for Kristy), and spend some time on the computer.